Imagine being told that there was a way to get a naturally glowing and perfectly even complexion without actually having to put on makeup and foundation every morning? With this new BB Glow Facial, you can achieve exactly that and everyone will want to know your secret!
At Prescription Beauty we are now thrilled to offer the BB Glow Facial, which is the hottest and fastest growing trend in skin care and permanent make-up.
The BB Glow treatment is the latest and fastest growing treatment in Europe and Asia and is now making its appearance in the US Market. This treatment is a 100% natural semi-permanent foundation for your skin that will help even out imperfections and discolorations leaving your skin looking like you are wearing the highest quality light-weight face makeup.
The BB Glow serum is a professional, scientifically proven, and quality tested skin care product that provides coverage to hide all your facial imperfections including hyperpigmentation, redness, dark circles, and even large pores.
The premium BB Glow ampoule serum with whitening and skin rejuvenating properties will help alleviate your major skin problems while providing immediate coverage and long-lasting beauty without overstimulating the skin. The color component of the BB glow formula brightens the skin and gives it a soft, glossy look with its effective ingredients such as niacinamide and peptides giving you a natural looking base that is waterproof and will NOT rub off!
All BB Glow Facials will include CO2 preparation, skin brightening treatment, LED treatment to help with absorption, and calming face mask.
• Instant Glowing & Radiant skin complexion
• Hydrated skin
• Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
• Reduction of dark circles under your eyes
• Reduction of blackheads and pores
• Infusion of antioxidants, vitamins, & anti-aging ingredients
• Evens out blemishes and discolorations
• Reduces melanin content in the skin before and after UV exposure
• Covers up redness (rosacea) and broken capillaries